Consolidated Insurance + Risk Management


The Intersure portion of the Consolidated Insurance success story covers more than four decades, back to when Consolidated joined in 1977. The Baltimore, Maryland agency itself, however, traces its own story back to 1938.

“We could share many, many success stories from our long association with Intersure,” says Consolidated President/CEO John Doetzer, “but the one that really stands out for me is a major rebranding effort we undertook, and just how indispensable the power of the group was for us at that juncture.”

Consolidated’s re-branding effort began with the desire to replace this original logo:

The existing logo featured two different company names (“CIC” in addition to the full name) and the tag line was both wordy and not very memorable.

In 2014, Consolidated commissioned an internal committee of 5 employees to develop a new logo and website. This was the result of their efforts:

Consolidated’s Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration, Betsy Korpela, continues the story: “I brought that logo to an Intersure meeting in November of 2014, very proud of what we had accomplished. Mike Natalizio, an Intersure partner from HNI Risk Advisors, asked if he could review it and share his feedback, and we got a bit of a reality check.”

“It was better than the original,” says Korpela, “but it still didn’t speak to our organizational brand. It wasn’t a logo so much as three big letters, and it really didn’t reflect our ‘elevator pitch;’ that is, the unique things about Consolidated.”

At this point Mike made a key suggestion: Consolidated should survey its customers to see what they said about the company. “Perception is reality,” says Korpela, “and it just made so much more sense to build our brand from the bottom up that way.” Consolidated engaged Mike to assist in the re-branding effort, and in 2015 emerged with not only a new logo and tag line, but a complete “Brand Compass” that outlines the accepted uses for both fonts and color schemes to be used in marketing efforts and much more.

The result:

Consolidated now has a true logo that clearly states what they do, complete with an open book graphic to complement our new tagline, “What’s Your Story?”

“In reviewing the feedback from our customers, we realized what it really came down to was this,” says Doetzer. “We serve clients best when we help them tell a better story to insurers; in other words, when we can help a client present a more attractive risk profile, everyone wins. We finally achieved a logo and brand that crystallize that message, and I don’t know how we would’ve gotten there without Intersure and Mike Natalizio.”